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Any day can be a giving day!

The story of 365 SGC Foundation began in 2017. The belief of its members that charity, solidarity, volunteerism, and in general giving back is a matter of education has created a vision that invests in the most promising chance to make our world a better place. Thus, we dedicate ourselves and aim to educate as well as raise the awareness of our own children and ourselves.

All procedural steps are taken, and the 365 SGC Foundation is a reality. The necessary licenses have been ensured by the relevant bodies.  Presentations of educational content are being given to children at Schools, which focus on the meaning and benefits of giving back while challenging them to participate and take action themselves.


Our goal is that children especially all of us also, realize that giving back is everyone’s concern.  Nothing is impossible as long as they truly want it, believe in it, and act by joining forces ... then they are capable of everything!


The presentations are organized, and the messages reach the hearts of children; flooding them with emotions, and empowering them with the will to unite, organize, act, become leaders, and change the world.


School workshops generate giving actions. Such actions of volunteerism and love solve the needs of those around us, changing tomorrow and the lives of people and our society.


Our foundation is represented by a meaningful name and vibrant colors both of which share a strong symbolism! The name reveals its vision ... "365": every day is a good day for giving activities. Love and offering are within us, it is an experience that must be manifested every day or any day that we can.  Represented by not only one but five colors (blue, yellow, green, red, and black) on a white background which not only symbolizes the five continents but also symbolizes the entire universe; sending a message that giving back has no limits and/or (racial) discriminations.  Rather, it is a blessing for every single one of us, whether it be given or received.


The story of "365" is a story of love and offering for everyone individually, but also for our society as a whole.  It is a promise made for the present and for the future.








365 SGC Foundation is registered as a Charity with the Ministry of Finance -  Presentations approved by the Ministry of Education

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